Wednesday, June 13, 2012

50 Days of No Sugar & Detoxing

Just a quick post to let you know about two things.

Remember last November when I did 'NoSugarVember' which was all started by another fabulous Natalie?  Well that same lady is doing it again!  50 days without sugar starting July 1.  I started yesterday so I allow myself a few stumble days before sinking my teeth in (so far, so good).  Why again?  Because, as much as I love cake, I felt amazing after ditching  the sugar for a month.  As if I will not get on board to do it all again with the Twitter & Facey support.  

Us Natalie's sure are an attractive bunch.

Are you in?  Come on, try it, nothing to lose (except that 3.30-itis you hate anyway).  

Check it out on Facebook or Twitter tagging #50daysNoSugar

I'll share my tips and tricks starting July too, and we can do this crazy thing together.

In other news, I have been offered the opportunity to review the Urban Remedy Detox program this month, and I will be doing a 3 day, level 2 detox program in the next couple of weeks.
Why?  Well, again, I do not diss until I try, and I am yet to try this whole juice detox thing.  I am skeptical, still, but I was about no sugar as well and, well look at the top of this post...

I had coffee (... green tea) with a fellow nutrition-nut yesterday and she said that the way she thinks of detoxing is that if your body is not using energy to digest, it can expend that energy elsewhere - like repairing itself.

I like this thought, so I'm going to give it a shot.  Thankfully I am giving it a shot with what I know as the most reputable mainstream detox company.

Stay tuned & stay well,
Nat x


  1. Hi Natalie! Hope you are feeling a little better everyday :) I'm very interested in trying the no-sugar thing... will definitely look into it! Thanks!

    1. Thank you lovely. Good luck! If you give it a go... let me know :) x

  2. Im doing a clean eating plan at the moment - something I can sustain on a long term basis which includes no sugar except for cheat meals (one a week!).... It's definitely hard and I need to stick to it better.

    1. I think if we didn't find these things hard we wouldn't be human!

  3. I pretty much don't eat sugar at the moment- still never going to "quit it", but I'm happy with how its going. Goodluck with the juice detox, I must say- they do look yummy :)

    1. Hi Hannah - I'm like that too, I eat home baked stuff and the occasional snap of lindt and that's it. Thank you! I'm scared but I agree it looks good x

  4. hello! i found your blog a week or so ago and i love it. i love your colour pic below :-) i am currently trying to go vegetarian, so i don't think i can go sugarfree at the same time, not yet... my only sugar is homemade cake and, as i love baking so much, i'd find that hard to give up! thanks for a colourful and inspiring blog. e

    1. Hi e! Thanks & thanks for letting me know :) Going vegetarian was a natural progression thing for me, my body just didn't want meat anymore, but I ate fish for a long time and eat it again now so perhaps keeping fish for a while would help the change? I'm the same with home made stuff, I bake like a nutter & then barely eat it! Would love to hear your favourite cake recipe, though? Am always looking for new stuff.
      Thanks for popping in x
